Friday, December 29, 2017

Credit Repair and Judgment Removal Blowout Sale!

Biggest Sale of 2017 & 2018 New Year Special!

For a very limited time, BLOWOUT SPECIALS: 

get a huge discount on my credit repair services and judgment removal from your credit reports services.

and space is very limited!

For judgment removal - I have a 100% success rate for removing judgments, paid or not, from credit reports and seeing successful results in a very short time.  Generally they are removed in less than 90 days, but usually much sooner than that.  Regular price for this service is $550.  For this special, the first judgment removal is $450 and additional judgment removals are only $400 each. (edit 12/30/17) - only 4 spaces left

Regular Credit Repair Services do not include the removal of public records. This service goes after regular accounts on your credit reports such as collections, charge offs, personal info, etc. Normal pricing and sale pricing is as follows:

1-6 items regularly $650 - now take $100 off.
7-15 items regularly $950 - now take $200 off
Over 15 items, regularly $1200 and up, now take $300 off.

Payment plans are available. Plus, since Future Fico is a non-profit, all payments are tax deductible, meaning you can write off the costs/donations, and the service is virtually free!

This sale is a limited time only.  Come on board by January 3, 2018 to take advantage of these deep discounts.

By law I am not allowed to guarantee any results.  However, I stand on my 31 years of experience and success. I am loyal, hardworking, knowledgeable, experienced, and fight harder than anyone in the business that I know of (and I know a LOT of people in this business).  I have trained many credit repair professionals/companies, taught thousands of credit professionals/individuals, and assisted many professionals with their tough client accounts, and shared massive amounts of information at no cost to thousands of people across the country, all who have used my knowledge  and advice to reap successful results.

I want to help you too!  This is what I do, day in and day out and I'm good at it.  I have tactics, secret strategies, numerous legal ammunition tools that many others don't even know about, to help you achieve the credit you desire.

CALL ME TODAY!  Let's get you started at a huge discount so that your 2018 can be spectacular.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Have You Just Been Served By A Debt Collector?

Have you just been served a summons notifying you that a 3rd party collector is suing you?  You need to act fast.

Most states' courts give you 20 – 30 days to file a response with the court. After that time has passed with no answer from you, the debt collector can motion for a default judgment – and be granted that default judgment!     
Fight Back!  You don’t owe a 3rd party debt collector squat! You have no contract with them but if you don’t take action, they can, by your silence, have that court order a contract with you by way of a default judgment.  “Silence equals Agreement!” Don’t remain silent!

I can help you fight back.  You can’t beat them if you do nothing.  I know it’s scary, intimidating, and stressful. Sometimes you feel like you don’t know what to do or say, and you feel defeated.  That’s what they want you to think and feel.  If you fight back, you can win!  I want to help you win!

Contact me today. I fight better than most any lawyer will fight for you and I’m much cheaper too. I’m not interested in telling you to settle with them or file bankruptcy.  I fight to win! I have a 100% success rate. The law doesn’t allow anyone, including an attorney, to guarantee you will win, and I'm not guaranteeing that either, but I have a track record. I fight with laws and affirmative defenses and powerful discovery requests that so far, have yielded dismissals for my clients.

Don’t let these collectors win without even putting up a smidgen of a fight. Don’t let them smear your credit, get in a position to garnish your wages or put a lien on your bank account or other property. Contact me today.  Let’s beat them together!

Email me at or call me at 951-801-2828

Disclosure:  I am not an attorney.  I don't think that slow or stoop that low. I have however gone up against many debt collection attorneys and my paperwork prevails while they stand by, whine, stomp their feet and wail because they did not win. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Free Credit Repair Assistance

Thank you to all my blog readers and newcomers for all the compliments on my blog.  I enjoy helping you learn how to fight back and fix your credit.  I have done this for many years and love hearing about the many successes people all across the country, and sometimes people from other countries, have had because of the information I have freely shared.

I respond to many, many emails, many, many phone calls and tons of comments here on the blog.  I don't hold back and help give the best information I can.  I have done credit repair for  over  30 years and have been very successful for my clients.  I've shared tactics and strategies and legal information that almost no-one else shares, and certainly no one, as in credit repair professionals, ever shared the amount of information, knowledge, and secret strategies with others back when I began on my mission to educate others, and still to this day. 

I've had plenty of professionals contact me and tell me I should stop sharing so much information because then too many people will try to do for themselves what we do for our clients and it affects our income.  (I admit that I've shared so much information that it has cut into my income too).

Anyhow, it feels good to be able to have helped so many people, including other credit repair professionals that have needed guidance on how to proceed with their clients.  I have a favor to ask of all of you now.  I am feeling a bit awkward asking this but I feel I need to.

If you have learned anything valuable from my blog; if you have experienced success with your credit repair because of information I have shared; if you have made comments and I have responded with information that was useful to you and to others; if I have helped you through emails or phone calls, I'm asking that you please show your appreciation by making a donation.

I would also like you to make a comment on here to let me know what areas of fixing your credit you need me to write about.  Your comments and your donations will help me keep this blog active with relevant and needed information.  I appreciate you and I thank you in advance for your generosity. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Why You Should Demand Validation From Debt Collectors

The majority of questions and requests for assistance are about debt collectors and 3rd party collections. These companies want your money but they did nothing to earn it or deserve it.  They are not owed anything and you really need to fight back to avoid paying them what they are not owed and to increase your chances of not being sued by them.

Many credit repair companies and many consumers as well dispute these items directly with the credit bureaus to get them removed. Sometimes you can have pretty good results for your credit reports by just disputing with the credit reporting agencies (CRA's) but most of the time, and especially if you are using an online tool to dispute, your results are not going to be great and sometimes not permanent.

But here is what I view as the problem with just disputing with CRA's. You're only disputing the accuracy for the most part.  Many people tell me they just dispute them as "No Contract" and most of the time I hear that the results come back as verified.  Even if the item is removed, it only means that the company just didn't respond in time or preferred to just let it be removed from the credit reports. Because you really don't demand validation through the CRA's, you haven't blocked their collection efforts.

Just because something isn't furnished to your credit reports doesn't mean they can't attempt to collect from you.  In order to block their collection efforts, the FDCPA says you must demand validation in writing. Once you have demanded validation, they must cease all collection activity until they validate. A demand for validation is the tool or weapon you need to use to get them to back off.

Now, many times these thugs make claims that they have checked their records, or that they have verified or that they have fulfilled validation requirements and they just continue on with their collection activity.  However, a well constructed validation demand letter will protect you in court if it lands there. When I say well constructed, I'm not talking about the nonsense you find online.

Eeesh!  I hate those ones where people say "This is not a refusal to pay..." and then goes on with a bunch of regurgitated stuff that makes up a validation form letter.  Do you think I would ever tell a company that isn't owed a dime and I know it that I'm not refusing to pay?  Oh, heck no!  My letter tells them I REFUSE TO PAY YOUR BS ACCUSATION unless you can prove me wrong!  Then I tell them the documents they need to produce to prove me wrong.

If you don't tell them what they need to produce, they can just skirt by and make whatever claims they want. Many times they will come back with a lame response such as "...there is no basis in law to send you the documents you're requesting...", I'm paraphrasing.  Well, I don't see that often, though I do occasionally.  But what I put in my validation demand letters is a legal citation for each item I'm requesting from them. So when I respond to that nonsense, I call them out and point them to review each case law cited, each federal act cited, each law, state or federal cited, and so on.

A competent and forceful validation letter is critical, folks.  This is power if they sue you or you decide to sue them. I've stated in other posts that validation is the Proof they need to come forward with and verification is the Sworn Testimony that MUST accompany it. They must have both. Without 1 or the other or any of what is demanded, they have hearsay but they don't have validation. Hearsay is inadmissible in a court of law and the courts have said it is incompetent.

So, you either need to learn what to demand and the laws, case law, or whatever appropriate legal ammunition that relates to each item requested to back up your demand, or hire someone who knows how to craft an effective validation letter.  If you don't demand validation, they can continue coming after you. They can continue to furnish on your credit reports. They can initiate a lawsuit against you. 

Demanding validation properly and always responding to their claims and rejecting their false claims is key. One more important thing about validation.  A demand for validation is rarely done with 1 letter. What I mean by that is, it is rare to send one letter and then they respond with a  letter telling you they're closing their file and removing the lie from your reports. These collection companies are getting very bold in their lawlessness, very stubborn, and they require a fight.

You must always respond. If they claim they've already addressed it and further similar communication will be trashed (well not exactly but that's what they sort of mean), you still need to respond.  YOU must be the last one to respond to anything other than "We're closing the file and removing our BS from your credit reports."  

You have a right to demand full validation. Know your rights. Exercise your rights. Fight back and don't back down. Basic bureau disputes don't completely protect you. You need to dispute with the CRA's but you Need to Demand Validation.  If you want someone who knows this game, knows the laws to use to back up the demands, will fight for you, contact me.  It's what I'm good at.  It's what I'm passionate about. I want to see you win this fight! 

You can reach me at or 951-801-2828
I'd love to fight for and with you. 

If you have found this blog helpful to you, please consider donating as a sign of your appreciation for information I have freely given to you.  The "Donate" button is on the right side bar.  Thank you for your generosity.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Judgments Don't Belong On Your Credit Reports

I am of the firm belief that most derogatory items that are on your credit reports don't belong on there.  You see, if you dispute an item, the credit reporting agencies are required to verify the item.  I wrote in a post quite a while back that verification is only hearsay unless it is accompanied by validation or proof of claim, which would be the documentation.  I'm not just pulling this stuff out of my ear. No, there is case law to back up what I'm saying.

Also, verification according to Black's Law Dictionary is Sworn Testimony.  This testimony can be in a deposition, on the witness stand, or an affidavit, sworn under penalty of perjury and under oath, and notarized. Who can testify?  Only someone with first hand knowledge. Only someone who has the documentation to support the testimony and the testimony that supports the documentation.  This is how it works. One without the other is hearsay and according to the courts, it's incompetent and inadmissible.

Now back to credit bureaus claiming something is verified. Have you disputed something and they said it was verified?  Did they provide any documentation?  Did they send you the sworn affidavit testifying to the accuracy?  Hmmm, I'm guessing for everyone that has disputed with the bureaus the answers are Yes, No, and No again!

Have you disputed a judgment and you know it's not accurate?  The amounts are not always accurate. The dates they report are not accurate, usually.  But bigger than those things, is the fact that they come back claiming "Verified" when there are only 3 entities that can verify according to Black's Law Dictionary and case law directly from quite a number of courts. You can verify it - and surprisingly many people actually unintentionally do that when they dispute a judgment. The plaintiff can verify it. And the court/judge has the capability to verify it but that is against the law for them to communicate with the bureaus regarding a specific consumer/case.  In fact, Equifax got slammed a little over a year ago in Chakejian v. Equifax and the court said they cannot claim the court or any government agency furnished information or verified information pertaining to a public record.

The bureaus don't get their information from the courts and plaintiff's don't furnish public record information nor do they verify it with the bureaus. What credit bureaus do is hire a 3rd party "vendor" to check the courts' public records and they furnish it and they claim to verify it. Wait a minute!  Do you see the words "3rd party?" Now remember what the courts and Black's Law Dictionary said about verification?  A 3rd party can't legally claim to verify anything because they lack 1st hand knowledge. They're not even qualified to be furnishing the information!

So, now you know why I'm saying that judgments don't belong on your credit reports.  If you have a default judgment, that is considered a "Void Judgment" because  the court lacked jurisdiction.  If you were sued by a 3rd party collector, they lacked and will always lack Personal Jurisdiction over you. No jurisdiction, no valid judgment! 

Of course, if you fought the lawsuit and didn't fight it properly, they will have a judgment against you because you didn't challenge jurisdiction properly and you didn't word things properly in your response and/or testimony in the case.  If you didn't challenge jurisdiction, you gave them jurisdiction and the courts generally are biased and favor the plaintiff.  You have to say the right things and word things properly and challenge properly and effectively in order to win.

It's the same thing when disputing with the bureaus.  You can fight the judgment and dispute and challenge the judgment with the bureaus, but they are liars, cheats, lawbreakers, and are biased in favor of the companies that pay them.  Judgments should come off easily because they cannot truly be verified. But if the language is not correct, its a 50/50 shot.

There are things you can do in preparation for disputing and I've talked about that on other posts.  These things will give you a little more leverage and help you get them removed.  But if you want someone with over 30 years of experience, who knows the exact verbiage that has given me a 100% success rate of removing the judgments from credit reports, contact me.  I can help you get them off.  I can help remove your judgments whether they are paid or not. Usually after doing some prep work, they come  off with the first dispute. Occasionally the bureaus push back a bit and we have another go at it but as of the date of writing this article, the success rate is 100%.

I want to help you remove these judgments from your credit reports. If you're running out of time to remove these or have been told pay a judgment showing on your credit reports in order to get a car or mortgage or a place to live, or a job, or a promotion, I know how to get them off your reports quicker than most companies, and quicker than disputing it on your own.  The verbiage I use is effective. It is proprietary. It works.

Call or email me today so I can help you get these off your reports and on with your life.  7 years is too long to suffer because the bureaus prefer to be thugs to consumers than to aid them with accurate, verified reports.  Fighting for 6 - 12 months or longer to get the bureaus to remove them when you need to close escrow in 45 days is too long. Let me help.  It's what I'm good at, what I'm passionate about, and I want you to be able to get the things you need that these judgments on your reports are preventing you from attaining.

My phone number is 951-801-2828 and my email address is Contact me right away to allow me to help you start getting your life back.

If you have found this blog helpful to you, please consider donating as a sign of your appreciation for information I have freely given to you.  The "Donate" button is on the right side bar.  Thank you for your generosity.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Repair Your Credit Before Buying Or Selling A Home

We're coming up on Summer and that is usually a hot time for buying or selling a home.  You need to consider the shape of your credit before you take the leap to either buy or sell real estate. It might seem like it doesn't matter how your credit is when you are selling your home but believe me, you are a prime target for the collection vultures. They're definitely preying on potential buyers but sellers usually have equity and they want to get hold of some of it as well.

For sellers, you're not going to be able to hide the public records like tax liens and judgments. The title company will almost always force you to pay those off before they will allow you to close escrow.  You may also get hit with claims from creditors and collectors that get wind of your transaction.  It's not hard for them to find out that you are selling your home so you really need to take care of your credit issues before you open escrow, and preferably before you even list your home for sale.  

Many times sellers are also going to be buyers. Again, you will want your credit in the best shape possible.  Even if your new lender doesn't require you to pay off certain alleged debts prior to funding, getting these things either paid or off your credit reports is most likely going to raise your credit scores, which will give you a better loan rate and save you thousands - even hundreds of thousands of dollars on your home loan and possibly other credit down the line. 

Some lenders will approve you for a loan with a mid FICO score of only 580. That is typically an FHA loan. However, debt to credit and debt to income ratios play a part in qualifying for a loan.  The higher your score, the better your interest rate. The less debt, and yes that includes 3rd party collector debt, the better your ratios are going to be. Many times your lender will tell you to pay off  the bad debts showing on your credit reports.  That's not necessarily the best advice, many times it is bad advice, but then again, they don't know credit repair the way a professional credit repair expert knows it.

I HATE, HATE, HATE anyone having to pay a 3rd party collector anything!  If you've read even just a few of my blog posts, you'll know that and you'll know that I stand firm in my claim that you don't owe a collection company a dime!  This is one of the main reasons that if you are contemplating buying or selling a home in the near future and your credit is not perfectly clear of these types of accounts, you need credit repair help soon.  You may also be in a position to need to rebuild your credit as well. This is where getting together with a professional credit repair consultant can really assist you in getting ready to buy a home.

Two other main items to address before buying a home are tax liens and judgments.  These are public record items but many times lenders don't pull public records reports on borrowers. So, if they are showing on your credit reports, you want to get them off. Otherwise, your lender might make paying them off a condition of  funding your loan.  Again, removing these types of items are where hiring an expert to assist you really helps you save many thousands of dollars.

I don't worry too much about removing bankruptcies from credit reports. It's not like you can hide the fact that you've had one (or more) in the last few years.  You have to disclose that on the loan application.  If you don't disclose it, you run the risk of being accused and possibly prosecuted for bank fraud. Don't go there.  

Bankruptcies are VERY difficult to remove from credit reports. You have to disclose the fact that you've had one when you apply for a home loan, so I just wouldn't worry too much about removing them.  Yes, attempt to remove them, but don't feel defeated if it doesn't come off.  At least it's not like a collection, tax lien, judgment or charge off showing a balance that might need to get paid in order to close escrow if it's showing on your credit reports.

Interest rates on home loans are still pretty decent but they're not going down; they're going to be going up. Now is the time to get to work on your credit if you're thinking of buying or selling a home in the near future. If you're thinking about buying in less than a year, then its probably best to hire someone to assist you. 

If you're needing to move and you're going to rent, if your credit has collections and public records, you are in the same position as a potential home buyer.  Landlords want to rent to people that have good credit. If they see you have tax liens,judgments, collections, charge offs with a balance higher than $0, they're going to choose to rent to someone with better credit  than you.  Your score will also reflect a lower number as well and that is a turn off to landlords.

 Credit repair is what I've done professionally for over 30 years.  My business partner has done credit repair for over 20 years.  We've taught other credit repair companies how to do it successfully. We are true experts. We want to help you purchase your home.  We want to help you keep the equity your home has earned.  We want to help you be able to rent your next home.  We want to help you. 

If you're ready to get your credit reports looking much prettier and your credit scores higher, we'd love the opportunity to help you reach your goals.  Email me today. Let us get you into your next home!  My email address is if you would like to contact me directly. You can also go to our website and fill out the form to get started with a free consultation. Just go to so we can fight for you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Getting Collection Accounts Off Your Credit Reports

Getting rid of collections from your credit reports is one of the main goals of credit repair.  They are very damaging to both your perceived credit worthiness and your credit score. They used to be one of the easier tasks to complete even if you really didn't know too much about fixing your credit.  But that is not the case anymore.  Sometimes they are as stubborn to remove as charge offs and they take a lot more work than in years past.

Collections, based on who the 3rd party company is, who the original creditor is, what type of alleged debt it is,and other factors can drop your credit scores overnight to a score that will prevent you from qualifying for a home loan, car loan, credit cards, even from renting, and even other important needs or wants, such as employment, promotions, and a whole slew of other things that can affect your life. My partner and I have seen our clients' scores drop up to over 100 points with a new collection but typically in the range of 40 - 80 points. 

You have to attack collection accounts vigorously and consistently in order to remove them. You have to be careful the way you say things when you are disputing to avoid verifying the alleged debt for them. This is true when disputing with credit bureaus and also with the collection company.   You must choose your words wisely. You must NEVER admit you owe a collection company anything and never admit you owe the original creditor that is related to that collection account.

For the best chance at successfully getting rid of collections, you need to dispute with the credit bureaus and the collection companies. If you want to get them deleted from your reports you need to have bureau disputes that attack in multiple ways to avoid getting a "frivolous" response letter.  You will also need to demand validation directly from the collection company. You may need to do several "rounds" of letters to both of these entities before you see the results you're looking for.

Demanding validation is important for several reasons.  Once you demand validation, the FDCPA requires the collection company to cease all collection activity until they validate.  However, there is NO LAW, not even in the FDCPA that requires a collection company to validate.  What this means is  that if a collection company does not validate, they can no longer furnish or verify information on your credit reports.  They are required to delete the information.  They are no longer allowed to send you a bill.  That's obvious collection  activity.  They are not allowed to initiate a lawsuit against you either if they haven't validated.  The bad news is that many of these collection companies don't give a rat's whiskers (thought I was gonna say something else, huh?) about the law and they ignore it, violate it, and continue their illegal collection activity.

Validation can eliminate the alleged debt if the collection company obeys the law. This happens quite often when you write effective letters.   But even with effective letters, many companies give up their pursuit of you but try to recoup some money by selling the account to another collection company.  The more this happens, the easier it usually gets to remove each new claim for that old account. However, sometimes you slam them so hard and so effectively that you eliminate that alleged debt and never have to see anything related to it again.  That is the ultimate success you are looking for.

Successful disputing also requires you to consistently respond to their replies to your disputes. You can't drop the ball.  You MUST respond and you must respond on point. In other words, you have to attack what they say, what documentation they provide, what they don't provide, and properly rebut any claims they make that they have verified or validated the account.  A good arsenal of laws, case laws and other legal citations to back up your demands and your rebuttals helps to knock them down and kick them out of your life and off your credit reports.  I think this is probably where I see most people get hung up, stumped and start to give up.

Credit repair is not as easy as a lot of people think! Sometimes it feels like a full time job when you are doing it on your own. My partner and I have been doing this for over 50 years combined. We are the best of the best at what we do. We have other credit repair companies calling and asking for our assistance because they are frustrated with their clients' progress sometimes. And you know what? It's sometimes hard for us too so we know that you can get frustrated, worn down and feel like giving up.  Fortunately, we love fighting, love seeing great results for our clients, are passionate about what we do, and heck, its our job so we don't give up.  

You need to hang in there, keep fighting, keep responding, keep demanding proof, documentation, etc. Your credit depends on it. Your ability to rebuild your credit, improve your scores, qualify for credit, loans, get employed, etc. depend on it. 

If you get too worn out, burned out, frustrated or tired, please reach out to me. This is what I do.  If you don't even want to attempt it on your own for whatever reason be it lack of  time, fear, or you just want to let a professional assist you, please contact me. I will audit your reports and my partner will give you a consultation. We will answer your questions and give you a realistic projection of what you can expect our services to achieve for you. 

You can contact me by email at or go to our company website at and sign up for a consultation.  I look forward to helping you achieve the credit you desire!

If you have found this blog helpful to you, please consider donating as a sign of your appreciation for information I have freely given to you.  The "Donate" button is on the right side bar.  Thank you for your generosity.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

My 3 R's For Disputing 3rd Party Debt Collections

Although I have several articles on this blog dealing with how to fight back against debt collectors, I still get a lot of emails and calls asking for assistance with collections whether it is how to demand validation, how to follow up, is what they got validation, etc.  I don't have time to write letters for everyone that calls and emails me for help.  I can't do that as it wouldn't be fair to my clients that hire me to help.  But, for those of you DIYers, I'll try to answer some questions here and give guidance to help you have more success.

In the credit repair world, we all used to want clients with a bunch of collections to remove.  They were always the easiest derogatory item to address and see success on. But times have changed.  Collection "accounts" are not always easy to remove anymore.  Quite the opposite. These companies have become obstinate, stubborn, still liars, but just defiant really.  They don't validate yet they refuse to remove their slander from reports as quickly as they should.  Some just flat out ignore you or refuse to remove unless you sic the big dogs on them or launch a lawsuit against them.  So I understand the frustration.  Hopefully the following information will help you get even better results.

Let's discuss my 3 R's you need to ALWAYS do with these thugs.  This means you do them with the first correspondence you get from them (Dunning Letter), every response you get from them when you have done a bureau dispute, and every response you get from validation demands and follow up letters you send to them.


You absolutely ALWAYS need to respond to them.  If it's a 30 day initial period in which you can dispute their claim then do it within 30 days. Tell them you are exercising your right to dispute their alleged claim and are demanding validation.  If it is a response from a bureau dispute that says something to the effect of  "We received your dispute from a CRA and have investigated and our records are accurate and blah, blah, blah - we're marking it as disputed" you need to respond. 

If it is in response to a demand for validation and they do not tell you that they are removing it and closing the file, you need to respond. If it is a response to your follow up letter or your response letter, you need to respond. YOU ALWAYS NEED TO RESPOND! If it is a letter claiming that they can't determine the nature of your dispute or that it is frivolous, you need to respond.


You always need to reject their claim that they validated or verified something.  You always need to reject that their records are accurate. You need to tell them that they failed to send what you requested which means they failed to validate.

Some generic letter saying they investigated and their records are accurate is not validation nor anything close to validation.  It is an unsubstantiated and reckless claim that amounts only to hearsay. They are liars. Are you going to take their word for it without any proof?  I sure wouldn't.

Sending a long detailed medical bill from the original medical facility is not validation. It is a list of services and charges from someone other than them.  That needs to be accompanied by a contract between you and the collection company with your signature and their representative's signature on it.  If they include the admitting form with your signature saying you'll be responsible, well, that was between you and the medical facility, not you and the collection company.

Even if you checked the box that they could share your information and that they might forward it to a collection company, unless the company that is trying to collect is specifically named in the original contract, you are not liable to them.  You have the right to choose who you decide to do business with. It's contract law. Without a contract showing you agreed to do business specifically with that company, they have nothing and you owe them nothing.  Reject that claim!

Sending old billing statements from a credit card company is the same thing. Its not validation. Where is the recorded assignment from the original creditor to them?  How much did they pay for your information? Notice I did not say your debt.  They did NOT purchase any debt. They purchased your information and it usually comes on an excel spreadsheet accompanied by a few of the final billing statements around the time the original account was charged off.  They are missing a big piece of the documentation though.  Where is the contract showing that you agreed to do business with them specifically?  Reject that claim!  Without a valid, bilateral contract (2 signatures, 1 from each party), they do not have a valid claim and they don't have validation.

Whatever a 3rd party collector sends you, no matter if it's a whole stack of stuff, it is NOT validation.  They MUST be able to produce a contract between their collection company and you. That is the vital document that establishes a claim and seals validation. They don't have it! REJECT, REJECT, REJECT THEIR CLAIM.


Every contact they make with you telling you that you owe something is an offer to contract with you. Refuse to contract with them.  Tell them you do not do business with collection companies and you don't pay companies that you don't owe. You're not going to start now and you refuse to contract with them.  

Why would you agree to pay someone that you don't owe and that can't prove they have any valid business agreement in place with you? I wouldn't.  Refuse their demand, refuse to contract with them. Again, everything is contract law.  In fact, when they claim they have a valid contract because they purchased the account with all rights of assignment and interest, you need to reject that immediately and throw 73 AmJur 2nd, sections 90 and 93 in their face.  This is Supreme Court case law!  

73 AmJur 2nd, Sections 90 and 93 state that they cannot substitute onto a contract unless they have an interest to protect.  That means that they have to be clearly and specifically named on the original contract to have an interest to protect.  Further, it states that they are a "Stranger to the transaction" and a "mere volunteer."  It is saying that you don't owe them.  They do not qualify for subrogation, which is substitution, under the Doctrine of Subrogation.  They are not qualified.  Don't go and agree to pay them anything. Instead, be very clear and Refuse to Contract with them.

3rd party collectors have no valid claim against you.  They have no contract with you. They cannot truly validate their claim. They have no interest to protect. They didn't buy any debt from any company, they only bought account information about you without your knowledge and without your consent and definitely without any business agreement in place requested by you.  That is the only way that they can substitute onto a contract they have no interest to protect, is by you requesting their assistance to pay off the alleged debt and you would then agree to be responsible to them. CONTRACT LAW!  It is what you have protecting you.

So, always respond, always reject their claims of owing them something and false claims of validation/verification, and always refuse to contract with them.  

If you are tired of dealing with these liars, thieves, scum sucking, extortionists called 3rd party collectors and debt buyers and are tired of the back and forth fight you have to stay on top of, I would love to assist you in the fight.  My partner and I have been at this successfully for 50 years combined.  In fact, this month I am celebrating my 30th year in the industry. I love the fight and am passionate about helping others get rid of the bad credit that is holding them back.  I get tons of emails about how my assistance has helped people get jobs, buy homes, cars, and start over.  I would love the opportunity to help you too!

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