Tuesday, July 29, 2014

You Don't Owe Your Debt - Its All A Fraud!

You've been duped and you don't even realize it.  When you think you borrowed money, you are incorrect. When you think you have to pay back money for what you borrowed, you haven't learned the truth.

Most people grow up believing what they are told by parents, teachers, lenders, politicians (well maybe not so much them), our government. Few grow up challenging what they are being told. Few people stop and ask why or how. Few people stop and say, "Prove it!"  

I'm one of the few who has always questioned what I was told. I was always labeled as argumentative when I really was just looking for answers. Somewhere in my gut it seemed that things I was taught and things I was told was not the whole truth.  You may have had that same feeling at times in your life. But we are conditioned to just accept what we were told as the truth.  Its not our parents' fault. They didn't know any better because they were  raised the same way.  You just don't question authority and you should just respect your elders.  

Well, in my book, you should question what triggers a twinge of doubt in your gut and why respect your elders (lying government officials, lying banksters) when they are not telling you the truth and they have an agenda to keep you from knowing the truth.  Truth is power and they want to keep you from gaining any truth or power because they want it all for themselves.  Then they can control you and enslave you.

I've decided to post a video today. Please take the time to watch it. Its about money. Where it comes from, where debt comes from, and how its all a fraud that has been kept secret so you won't find out the truth.

There are 5 videos in this series. I encourage you to watch all of them when you have a chance.  They will help open your eyes to the scam that has been played on all of us.  I hope that it helps you understand that getting into debt is not your fault because that's how this system was set up - even if you maxed out credit cards, were allegedly irresponsible in your spending, and just got to a point where you had to walk away or give up trying to pay these bills for credit and loans. 

When the truth about this sinks in, you may get a bit angry, and rightly so.  I care about you and I want you to know the truth.  Please, if this video opened your eyes a bit, then share it. I would love it if you shared my blog with others. They too can watch the video right here but also, there's a lot of information that I give that may be what they need to help handle their own credit issues.

Thanks for reading, watching and sharing.  Enjoy!

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Disputing 3rd Party "Debts" After The 30 Day Requirement Has Passed

Many times consumers get letters in the mail from debt collectors saying that they have some debt with this company and they need to pay the bill. Some will claim they are offering this great one time settlement offer saving you 40% or 50% off the total if paid by some date.  Really?  Should you take them up on it when I can show you how to save 100% of that ridiculous bill?

The letter, which is called a Dunning letter, is required by law to have language in it that says you have the right to dispute this debt within the next 30 days.  But what if you decided to blow them off and throw away the letter? Do you lose your right to dispute it after the 30 days has passed? Let me explain how this law actually helps you.

Here's the thing about this law. Its FDCPA §609 or 1692(g).  This law says that they must inform the consumer of their right to dispute the alleged debt and if the consumer does dispute it during the 30 day period, then the collector must stop all collection activity. Now, it doesn't say that they can't furnish information on the credit report in the first 30 days, but if they do, your best chance of making this never go on or make it come off quickly from your credit report, is to dispute in the first 30 days.  This is because furnishing information on someone's credit report is considered collection activity.

But if you don't respond in that first 30 days, the law does not say that you can't ever dispute it.  I've had collectors tell my clients that they don't have to validate because it wasn't disputed within the first 30 days.  They are absolutely correct. But, these punks are spinning the truth. You see, there is nothing in the FDCPA that REQUIRES them to validate. Nope, not at all. BUT...what it does say, is that if a consumer does dispute, they MUST cease all collection activity until they validate - if they choose to.  If they choose not to validate, then, that's fine, it means they choose to delete it. Its one or the other.

The FDCPA also says that if a consumer disputes, they have to notify the credit bureaus that the account is disputed. Here's the fun part of that. The bureau employees are so uneducated in the FDCPA they don't get that they are going to help the collection agency violate the law. They put a comment on there that the account is in dispute. I really crack up at this.

The FDCPA just told them that they have to stop collection activity if the consumer disputes. So, the collection agency notifies the bureaus that its in dispute and a dispute comment goes on the report.  What does this mean? How is that a violation of the law?  Well, when they tell the bureaus the account is in dispute, they are not supposed to be instructing them to put a dispute comment on there, they are supposed to be deleting the account from the credit report.

What they have effectively now done is continue collection activity (because its still on the report) but now they are broadcasting to anyone who sees the report that they are breaking the law. Do you understand this? Its simple. They just need to delete  it!  

So, even if you have missed that 30 day period, your right to demand validation or dispute is not revoked. You can dispute at any time. Its just that they've been better trained at removing them from credit reports when they get a dispute during the first 30 days, than they are educated about how to handle disputes they get after the first 30 days. They obviously  are not taught well that any dispute at any time, means that for a 3rd party collector, it absolutely must be removed from the credit report until they fulfill validation.

I sure hope you understand this and use it to your benefit!  Dispute away, tell them to remove it until its been validated, and if they just put a "dispute" comment on there, well, if you sue them, you just earned an easy $1000 bucks!

Feel free to comment on this or email me with questions.  I'm here to help you successfully get rid of the ugly stuff on your credit reports and get it looking pretty again!

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