Thursday, September 14, 2017

Have You Just Been Served By A Debt Collector?

Have you just been served a summons notifying you that a 3rd party collector is suing you?  You need to act fast.

Most states' courts give you 20 – 30 days to file a response with the court. After that time has passed with no answer from you, the debt collector can motion for a default judgment – and be granted that default judgment!     
Fight Back!  You don’t owe a 3rd party debt collector squat! You have no contract with them but if you don’t take action, they can, by your silence, have that court order a contract with you by way of a default judgment.  “Silence equals Agreement!” Don’t remain silent!

I can help you fight back.  You can’t beat them if you do nothing.  I know it’s scary, intimidating, and stressful. Sometimes you feel like you don’t know what to do or say, and you feel defeated.  That’s what they want you to think and feel.  If you fight back, you can win!  I want to help you win!

Contact me today. I fight better than most any lawyer will fight for you and I’m much cheaper too. I’m not interested in telling you to settle with them or file bankruptcy.  I fight to win! I have a 100% success rate. The law doesn’t allow anyone, including an attorney, to guarantee you will win, and I'm not guaranteeing that either, but I have a track record. I fight with laws and affirmative defenses and powerful discovery requests that so far, have yielded dismissals for my clients.

Don’t let these collectors win without even putting up a smidgen of a fight. Don’t let them smear your credit, get in a position to garnish your wages or put a lien on your bank account or other property. Contact me today.  Let’s beat them together!

Email me at or call me at 951-801-2828

Disclosure:  I am not an attorney.  I don't think that slow or stoop that low. I have however gone up against many debt collection attorneys and my paperwork prevails while they stand by, whine, stomp their feet and wail because they did not win.